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Posted on April 20, 2006 in Dreams

The first two dreams occurred on 17 April 2006, the third on the 20th.

square3421. A woman kept knocking at the door of the condo which looked, on the outside, like the schools I attended. She informed me that my roommate had died. I was sad. This woman had lived with me for only a few days, then vanished. The stranger tells me that she’d been diagnosed with cancer and had gone into hiding. She’d loved me, I learn. I confessed I felt the same.

2. I am talking to an old man outside of a bookstore. There’s a line in front of us, winding back and forth. A woman in the line keeps asking me if I have seen my housemate. I have not. Finally after several passes, we both decide that his absense is cause for concern. I go off to look for him. The old man follows. I give up quickly, stop by a candy stand which is giving out free samples of hummingbird egg cracked over a rice crispy.

The old man and I go off to search for new inspirations around the black glass towers of the cty. Boy Scouts camp inside the lobbies while a gigantic, city-encompassing festival goes on.

3. I had gotten into graduate school. Met a bearded fellow who gave me a mailing list to manage. He got money for the others, so he decided I could have this one. He sat in a chair right in the middle of a great hallway. My manx cat came in and walked up and down the hall. The fellow offered to take me to my school quarters. He didn’t like the cat, so he wouldn’t let me take it in the car. The cat ran fast however and got tangled in the rear axles. Loud thumps bounced off the body pan. The driver wasn’t happy. He hated the cat. I begged him to cease torturing the animal. He pulled off on a dirt road. I rushed out with a paper bag. By a miracle, the cat — though exhausted by the ordeal — was still alive. I clutched it to my chest.

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