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Pathetic Fallacy Thwarted

Posted on June 7, 2006 in Biomes Routine

square385A canyon does not weep. It gathers the waters of rains and dews, spews a runoff that floods sand and rubble hidden beneath more of the same. The alders and the mulefat betray the stream’s presence, but they do not drag it to the surface and force it to wet the parched banks.

In my car, I thought about what I could not see and what I could not reveal. Secrets that I had to keep. That left me with the election. I hated writing about politics because though there was rage, I had no excitement for it. Stretching out to create a political opinion exhausted me with a slow, velvet rasp. I was bored because there was no canyon, no trees, no mulefat with its froggy-bottom-smell. The rain misted the road and the air.

I do not do well at these times when others belittle me into silence, leaving me with only ordinary current affairs. I feel intensity with no purpose. Reminding me that a canyon cannot weep.

Damn it! Say something or let me!

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