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AHnold Sends Out the Troops

Posted on June 19, 2006 in California Watch Campaign 2006 Immigration

square002I guess there’s just not enough beat ’em up in the job, so AHnold had to send 1000 Latino National Guardsmen down to the border to prevent the alleged wave of terrorists (“Oh dear, junior won’t be able to get a job at In ‘N Out Burger this summer!”) and Chinese soldiers from streaming over from Mexico.

It must be a letdown for AHnold. There’s no question he could terminate any of them (provided they were unarmed). No man who can mold his body parts into weapons or become liquid when AHnold throws a bus at him threatens the Goobernator. Just a petty “evil” which is not evil at all. What we have is a glove tossed out to provoke a race war. Word is that everyone who voted for AHnold would do it again but no one else will join them. 35 percent is not a winning mandate. I doubt that this corndog issue will save him. He’s a bad governor. Maria should have run herself.

The Greatest Generation — my father’s — fought for the Four Freedoms. What does this generation fight for? AHnold says “Do it for me! Do it for me and George! Do it for me!”

No, I think Americans are getting smart. They’re realizing that not every war a president or a governor wants is just. And while they’re expressing their concern about immigration, what matters more is the economy and civil rights. The state of both sucks.

It’s bad enough to have one war of political convenience raging. But perhaps the bright side is that the American public will see firsthand how stupid it is to use soldiers as policemen and for causes that only swell national pride in the chests of weak certainty about exactly what we’re supposed to be loyal about.

(Hint: it is never the flag, it is never the president, it is never American corporations. When these or any other entity undermines the Four Freedoms and the rights of all to a fair trial, they commit treason.)

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