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Borat and the Drunken Frat Boys

Posted on December 14, 2006 in Film Hatred

The drunken frat boys are getting their day in court:

A judge weighing whether to halt the DVD release of “Borat” viewed a scene from the hit film in which a group of South Carolina fraternity brothers converse with the raucous Kazakh journalist played by British comedian
Sacha Baron Cohen.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joseph Biderman, after reviewing the scene Thursday, said he would review the case but did not indicate when he might issue a ruling.

Two fraternity members filed a lawsuit Nov. 9, alleging they were tricked into making racist and sexist remarks in the spoof documentary “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make
Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.”

….one of the plaintiffs was forced to resign from his prominent position at the University of South Carolina chapter of Chi Psi. Along with barring the DVD release, the plaintiffs were seeking unspecified monetary damages.

An attorney representing 20th Century Fox, a unit of News Corp., questioned the plaintiffs’ claim they were too drunk to understand the release forms.

“We’re confident that we’re going to prevail,” attorney Louis Petrich said following court. “We don’t think the lawsuit has any merit. We don’t even agree with them on the facts.”

square147If they can remember what happened, I don’t think they were too drunk to understand the release. “Hey, we’re going to put you in a movie, Spud!” “Oh yeah, that would be great.”

Not an endorsement of Chi Psi anyway you cut it. They were drunk, they were stupid, and they were racist. Now they want to keep this a secret from the world.

What the film caught was the unchecked habit of hatred. These clowns believed that their faces would appear across the ocean and that they would never be called to account for their words. I’d like to see the uncut version of their meeting with Borat, just to find out what other gems they vomited.

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