Home - Roundup - Insert A Trite Metaphor for A Corral #44

Insert A Trite Metaphor for A Corral #44

Posted on February 1, 2007 in Roundup


square188I’ll be out of town for a few days, enjoying our annual visit to the [[Lawrence Welk]] Resort in Escondido. Thus there will be no roundup until Sunday or Monday. Some people have expressed concern that the “old Joel” hasn’t been around. He’s had his reasons, but he shall try to return to his usual digest of daily life in Trabuco Canyon.

  • Pity the mother of Antonio Vasconcelos (pictured above) who delivered that 6.6kg (14lb 8oz) whopper by Caesarean section in Cancun, Mexico. Ai chihuahua!
  • Do you know what makes this year’s [[Super Bowl]] a major milestone? At no time in the previous history of the event has a team been coached by an African American. This year both teams have black coaches which cinches the first time an African American-led organization wins. We’re getting there. We’re getting there.
  • A Russian woman using a mobile cell phone caught a hospital taping the mouths of orphan infants shut.
  • [[Norfolk Island]] may have the lowest crime rate in the world: a New Zealand man may have upset the unblemished record by murdering a 29 year old Australiian restaurant manager. Nothing so spectacular has happened here since the [[Mutiny on the Bounty]].
  • Passing: Gian Carlo Menotti, composer of Amhal and the Night Visitors and The Medium.
  • So Bush Spake: “And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I’m sorry it’s the case, and I’ll work hard to try to elevate it.”— Speaking on National Public Radio, January 29, 2007. He’s in a league with [[Joe Biden]], that one is.
  • There’s no inner clock researchers say: “If you toss a pebble into a lake, the ripples of water produced by the pebble’s impact act like a signature of the pebble’s entry time. The farther the ripples travel the more time has passed. We propose that a similar process takes place in the brain that allows it to track time,” he added. “Every time the brain processes a sensory event, such as a sound or flash of light, it triggers a cascade of reactions between brain cells and their connections. Each reaction leaves a signature that enables the brain-cell network to encode time.” Sounds like a kind of inner clock to me. Still, it would be interesting to see how the physiology of depression affects those ripples. Lord knows how time drags when you are not having fun.

If you find any articles worthy of mention in these roundups, send the URL to gazissax at best dot com. And feel free to comment!

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