Home - Roundup - Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #64

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #64

Posted on March 2, 2007 in Roundup

square213It’s nice to see that the White House is jumping to the starting line on the matter of federal aid for tornado victims in the red states. Some say he isn’t really listening that closely. We’re not, of course, going to talk about whether these storms have anything to do with global climate change lest Al Gore receive undue publicity and propel himself into the presidency. This is an administration of short, photo-op fixes not bold, imperative policies.

If only we could induce the kind of fear that Democrats feel about voting against a war into Republicans who stall efforts to do something about the environment and do it now.

  • A Wider Circle: The FBI man who led the investigation into who perpetrated the right-wing Oklahoma City bombing thinks the case should be reopened. The FBI interviewed 24 people who claimed to have seen McVeigh in Oklahoma City with someone else on the morning of the attack, yet the only known accomplice of McVeigh, Terry Nichols, was at home in Kansas over 200 miles away on that day. The FBI’s investigation concluded that the eyewitnesses were unreliable. However, Danny Coulson says they were “extremely credible” and had no reason to make it up. “If only one person had seen it, or two of three, but 24? Twenty four people say yes I saw him with someone else. That’s pretty powerful,” he said. Right wing groups represent a greater terrorist threat than Al Qaeda here in the USA, yet stories about their plots seldom make the media even though something may happen nearly every day. Are they getting a pass because of their closeness to the Republicans or are they considered another dog bites man story? Real terrorists live among us, yet the Department of Homeland Security does not say a word about them. They may the the shock troops of those intervals when the Republicans are out of power. Remember the Nazis endorsed Ronald Reagan and he said “Shush! I don’t want you doing that.”
  • Stop the War: It will take only 41 Democrats to filisbuster Bush’s war. John Kerry suggested it first — in 1971.
  • First — In Selfishness: Yes, no matter what, New Hampshire insists that the results of its primary should greatly determine who gets the eventual nod for president.
  • Sun-Worshippers: They’re lined up on a hillcrest like scales along the back of a dragon and archaeologists now believe that they are the remnants of the oldest sun observatory in the New World.
  • Blame the Internet: Much of the material has been in circulation for years in the movies, but now a British agency insists that children are taking tips for sexual abuse from the WWW.
  • It Walks, It Talks, It Makes Mistakes: And consequently learns to do better next time. Not quite human yet.
  • Buzzflash Misses a Big One: Talk about Conservapedia was all over blogs the other day (Technorati turns up 1,210 hits) yet a search on Buzzflash turns up absolutely nothing on this story. I’m not a programmer, so I can’t give Al from Chicago specifics, but there has to be a better way for Buzzflash to cover stories which don’t spring from news sources.

If you find any articles worthy of mention in these roundups, send the URL to gazissax at best dot com. And feel free to comment!

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