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At the End of Mania’s Hook

Posted on August 8, 2007 in Mania

square309Thought: the root problem with mania is sensitivity to suggestion not impulsiveness. We often use another term such as grandiosity or paranoia to describe our states of mind. We look at the shopping cart filled with lamb chops and say “It was an impulse”. It’s part of the issue, but where does the impulse come from? All those items dressed up in their pretty packages. They are placed to make people buy them and the people the sellers are looking for are us.

Be mean or cast a strange face and we become paranoid. Give us a self-esteem book and we believe that we can be anything we want. So we choose to be God. (I never liked being God. All that is screwed up in the world is because of You.) Say a prayer within our hearing and we grab our bibles and begin preaching from them. Or let us smell the slightest waft of incense and we shave our heads and become monks. Our impulsivity comes from our suggestability. We’re suckers, pure and simple.

[tags]bipolar disorder, mania, impulsiveness, impulsivity, conspicuous consumption, grandiosity, religiosity, paranoia[/tags]

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