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A Bipolar Fellow Speaks Out for Obama

Posted on September 4, 2008 in Bipolar Disorder Campaign 2008 Stigma

square469This bipolar fellow named Pelagius explains why he is mad at Sarah Palin for dismissing the work of community organizers and why the mentally ill and their families should support Obama. Read it at my.BarackObama.Com

[tags]Campaign 2008, bipolar disorder[/tags]

There’s also this bit by Kevin from Huntington Beach:

Senator John McCain, to me, is very out of touch and has no idea that all of us, as American citizens, have already put ‘Country First’ in our every day lives since we were old enough to understand the world. So to spend his entire 4 day campaign reminding people to act ‘Country First’ was like having your parents nag at you everyday to eat your vegetables. Its offensive [to] all voters, who by law are over 18 years old, and it neglects the various different ways people can show their allegiance to their country without joining the military or being in public office. He neglects the front line folks who already put their country first who go unnoticed because we serve the people who have been forgotten by our elected leaders.

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