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The Doge in Venice

Posted on November 13, 2008 in Anger IRC/Chat Relationships

square503Every few years, I go against all experience and try a chat room ((Funny thing is that in real life discussion groups, I have learned to ignore annoyances and take a deep breath. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I can walk out any time where, paradoxically, I feel trapped in my chair at home?)) . It goes well for a few weeks, but sooner or later my brain betrays me. Somewhere, someone says something that irks me. I react. Then I start misreading things. Then I engage with people who don’t play fair. And I get trigger-happy. Pretty soon, I have made a fool of myself in the venue and can’t go back there.

It’s easy to to want to see the fault in others as the sole cause. And to go too far against oneself. But I do think it is more productive to look at one’s own behavior and moods first. When people are being stupid in my eyes, why not ignore them? Why position myself as the doge who must maintain order in Venice?

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