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Shouting Against the Tide

Posted on January 13, 2003 in Human Rights Justice

wKenShow found another gem today, the statement by Republican Governor George Ryan of Illinois on the death penalty:

During my time in public office I have always reserved my right to change my mind if I believed it to be in the best public interest, whether it be about taxes, abortions or the death penalty. But I must confess that the debate with myself has been the toughest concerning the death penalty. I suppose the reason the death penalty has been the toughest is because it is so final ? the only public policy that determines who lives and who dies. In addition it is the only issue that attracts most of the legal minds across the country. I have received more advice on this issue than any other policy issue I have dealt with in my 35 years of public service. I have kept an open mind on both sides of the issues of commutation for life or death.

“I have read, listened to and discussed the issue with the families of the victims as well as the families of the condemned. I know that any decision I make will not be accepted by one side or the other. I know that my decision will be just that – my decision ? based on all the facts I could gather over the past 3 years. I may never be comfortable with my final decision, but I will know in my heart, that I did my very best to do the right thing.” – Gov. George Ryan

Technically, this does not qualify as a profile in courage. Ryan waited until there was no danger of reelection for him to take this definitive stand. Nevertheless, I take my hat off to the man and commend him for having the guts to shout against the ocean. Maybe, unlike King Canute and the legal machinations of the ACLU, Ryan’s voice will still the turbulent waters and stop the bloody tide of malice.

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