Posted on January 23, 2003 in Cats
Tracy must have been under the special protection of the were jaguars because she was alive when we arrived home last night.
She’s been crying mournfully, however, and sneezing. I found that I could stop the wailing by scratching under her collar (she must have been going crazy without me to do it for her). The sneezing, on the other hand, bears no relief.
We’re resolved to buy a new heating pad tomorrow so we can set it on the lowest setting and allow her to sleep on it. Lynn’s holding her close, under the covers tonight. Tracy remains livelier than a corpse, so we’re making no certain plans to drive her down to Huntington Beach for her carbonization.
Virginia avoided us until she heard the sound of Lynn serving up catfood. Then she dashed out, mewing loudly. A few scratches to the head and shoulders restored her limited trust in us.
Joel seeks divine protection for the health and safety of his cats