Home - Identity - Dreams - Dream


Posted on May 5, 2010 in Dreams

square659Everything starts in a dorm. I’m at the top of a dark landing, proceeding down. The next thing I know I’m in a car driving over a bridge near a swamp. (Is Lynn with me?) The road takes me up a hill and as I navigate its crest, I despair that I am ever going to be able to join up with the road that I see below me. But I follow the roughly paved road which takes me higher and higher. At the top, I find another car occupied by two women who are afraid and lost. They want me to show them the way out. “It’s right here,” I say, pointing to a place where the road dives to the canyon bottom. I go down this grade and then follow the road down the canyon bottom to my mother’s house. Here I find myself playing with a baby in bed — a baby colored like the last minutes of twilight, bluish fading to black. My brother comes home and throws a tantrum about this. My mother intervenes, but I tell her that he’s right. It’s not my baby but his. I gather my things and put them in the car. I explain to my mother that it is better that I am not around. I go home, thinking of the classes that I need to study for — philosophy is one. I’ve been skipping it.

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