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No Celestial Reason

Posted on July 12, 2010 in Disappointment

square683One by one, I’ve found old friends. I discovered most recently that one of these suffers from bipolar disorder like me. Another works as a walk-on in Hollywood. The fate of many others is unknown to me, but I haven’t seen them in the tabloids or the more respectable media.

We don’t seem to have amounted to much. A dullness has circumscribed our lives. The worst thing about it is that I can’t in all honesty say that we were marked for mediocrity as a group or that a personified Fate pulled out our strings and tied knots in them. Each of us came to our tragedies on our own and there is no celestial reason for it.

My mother used to imply that if I didn’t have my life together by age 25, it would never come together. Now at age 52, I have trouble believing that it isn’t over.

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