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The Fall of America

Posted on December 1, 2010 in Civic Responsibility Disasters

square684Former Reagan Budget Chief David Stockman said it right: the Republicans are obsessed by a “theology of tax cuts“. Stockman says a correction in the form of higher taxes for the wealthy is necessary after “a thirty year binge that wasn’t sustainable”. The issue is solvency. The only thing the Koch Brothers — sons of a man who openly supplied Texas oil to Hitler — seem to want is the destruction of America.

So let me say these things:

  • Anyone who wants to continue the tax breaks for millionaires isn’t thinking about the country and his fellow Americans.
  • If the Republicans get their way, the country is going down the toilet and you and I are going with it.
  • If anyone starts talking about California seceding from the Union, let them feel free to add my name to the list. My country is about my neighbors. I shall not tolerate people who do not think about them when formulating policies that are bringing us the economic security of Somalia.

It is not Obama who is driving me here, but the Tea Party whose leader has now declared that voting should be limited to people with property.

Mark me a true patriot.

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