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Glenn Beck’s Big Government Claims a Victim

Posted on December 16, 2010 in Equality Liberals & Progressives Violence

square688You can count on me when there is a bizarre incident involving a person who is obviously mentally ill. Many people like to hear that when a fellow marches into a local school board, spray paints a V in a circle ((Reference to the series V?)), and then, after proclaiming that he is going to die this day, opens fire on the chairman before being taken down by a security guard. that this was nothing more than mental illness, that the man was clearly delusional, and we have nothing to worry about ((Another video is here.))

My experience bears out that whatever the mad do reflects on the culture we are living in. The man in this scenario had two issues on his mind: that his wife had been fired by the school board for undisclosed reasons and that there was a new half cent sales tax that his family would have to be paying at a time when they could not afford it. He spoke of the schools being gutted before this tax was levied. What was the real story?

I hazard that his wife lost her job in a budgetary cutback. He mentioned that she just lost her unemployment insurance, so it sounds like things are tight. The whole idea of a sales tax was a slap in the face. His wife, who is now without an income, must pay this extra burden on her grocery bill. So Mr. Clay A. Duke takes his case to the people who are causing all the woe in his eyes. He shoots and is himself shot.

What was this tax revolt business? We might ask whose martyr is he, anyways? If he’s just a nut, we can shake him out to the air, but there’s a depression going on and the poor have just been made to bear a tax increase while the wealthy who aren’t spending any money to get this economy going are getting a continuance of the tax cut that never produced any results just in case it does. Mr. Duke might have woken up and, on hearing the news of the loss of his wife’s unemployment benefits, picked up his handgun to get a little justice down in Panama City, Florida. He took a gun to a school board, mind you, because he thought that they — as the most accessible arm of the government that he knew about — had caused his problems. Taxes, he thought, the new taxes are going to kill him. The school board chief makes a weak argument for the equitableness of sales taxes as compared to property taxes, but the fool should know never to argue with a man with a gun. When it comes out, he weakly whines “Please don’t do that!” but Duke does it and in less than thirty seconds, ends up dead on the floor, the victim of a school cop.

Glenn Beck might, if he dared, pick this up as an example of a citizen hurt by Big Government — and he would be right, but the Big Government that drove Mr. Duke to madness is the kind that preys on the working class. That kind of Big Government must be given unlimited power, in Beck’s book. This madman might well be forgotten in a year’s time because he was no Tea Bagger with a liberal in his sights, but an ordinary guy who just couldn’t understand why his world was falling apart around him.

Lately, I have witnessed more statements of unrest, attesting to the feeling that fascism has taken hold of America since the November election. Give any one of these a gun and a violent psychosis and you could have Mr. Duke ((One writes “What did they do with these parasites the world over?? I say let’s do like the french! Off with their heads. How long will we tolerate this until? the specter is haunting these people.”)) . There are only a few steps from the righteous rage of the Left to Mr. Duke. It would be best for Obama and his new-found friends on the Right not to test that.

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