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Laughner and His Cloud of Unknowing

Posted on January 8, 2011 in Accountability Civic Responsibility Propaganda Scoundrels Terrorism Violence

Laughner may be as crazy as a fox.

square672Where I am now is that there is the usual cloud of unknowing that follows an event like this. Some say it was the Left, some say it was the Right. I reacted as I did because I have seen time and again threats to kill progressives, liberals and moderates here on the Web. Now I have to say that I don’t know what we have in this person.

Laughner loves Mein Kampf. Paradoxically, he’s listed “The Communist Manifesto” as a favorite book ((Anyone who has read Mein Kampf knows that Hitler calls for the elimination of Communists as part of his program)) , too, along with Alice in Wonderland and Fahrenheit 451. He is a gold standard enthusiast. He thinks the government is controlling us through our grammar (shades of accusations of political correctness?). He may be mentally ill.

In this Internet-powered world, it is the first step of news agencies to look for what the person was saying online. I suggest it is possible that Laughner understands this all too well and wrote his Myspace and Youtube descriptions with a mind to confusing the issue. No true Leftist believes in Mein Kampf. It is only the Right wing that insists this is true, so I believe Laughner could be trying to confound us.

I do not condone eliminationalist rhetoric regardless of the source. We have heard a lot of it from the Right here in America. That led me and countless others to rage against Sarah Palin. She is still in the wrong for posting her “target sights” hit piece.

Rachel Maddow wisely says to wait for the truth. I didn’t, but neither has World Net Daily. In the meantime, it is fitting that we mourn the lives of those who were killed in the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gifford.

Rhetoric of violence has no place in American society. We must repeat this so that all hear it.

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