Home - Roundup - Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral No. 99

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral No. 99

Posted on May 29, 2011 in Roundup

Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. ~Abraham Lincoln

square731These past few weeks have seen some of the harshest weather in memory. Tornadoes hit several states — including California which is as famous for its twisters as Wyoming is for its liberals — and snow fell in New York until very recently. We’ve been having rain well into May and if more falls in June, I will not be surprised. What we can expect from previous years has been distorted beyond all recognition and yet not a single news agency has made the connection between these events and global climate change because that is not politically correct in an age where the order of the day in journalism is “controversy” — a world where nothing is proven, especially where scientific facts point to major industry practices. I’m looking to see more denial and a major depopulation of certain red states as climate-denying lemmings rush to escape the fury of pollution driven winds.

Kurt Rutzen testifies before the Minnesota Senate about the impact of the budget cuts for the disabled. He asks “What about the people who don’t have families to care for them?” Kurt lives with cerebral palsy.

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