Home - Roundup - Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #104

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #104

Posted on July 3, 2011 in Roundup

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. –Bill Cosby

square754Dirty tricks. It has finally sunk into the Democratic leadership what progressives and liberals on Twitter has known for two years: that when the Republicans are not the leading power in our country, they do everything they can to sabotage the Democrats. Their blackmail and obstruction strategy goes against the oath they take as representatives, which is to preserve and to protect these United States.

I think we have lost sight of what representation is for. First, there’s the matter of who to blame for our government’s policies. We forget that most of the things that we fault the president for are really the fault of the Congress which passes the budget and enacts the laws. We can’t turn to the president for repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, for example, because he cannot overturn it by himself. Obama is right for saying that the people must lead on this issue and pressure their legislatures for change. The same is true of jobs, net neutrality, the two wars, Guantamano Bay, etc.

Second, are our expectations. We take positions and then insist on no way except our way. Now the Democrats have been willing to compromise — more willing than many progressives wish. The tactic in this last Congress has been to begin with past Republican issues in order to seize a quick compromise. But the Republicans are out to avoid compromise at all costs so that they might bring the Democrats down. Other governments with political parties such as Germany do not fall into this trap. They agree on a series of principles — including jobs and social services — that they attempt to protect while devising solutions and balancing the budgets.

The Germans have a country of which to be proud. My friends over there are shocked that the fascism of the Tea Party has been allowed to thrive here.

The Republicans have become obsessed with ever lower taxes despite evidence that shows that the tax cuts have not produced employment. It is clear that they represent only 2% of the population, that they have become the equivalents of reactionary parties in the banana republics. Do we really want to allow ourselves to be the world’s largest third world country?

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