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The Dream of Surgical Killing Springs Eternal

Posted on February 10, 2013 in Terrorism War

square796Support for drones seems largely based on the idea that they are “cool” — as if they were as miraculous as an Ipad. Drones are “the way” to take out “enemies of America” — they require no American soldiers to be on the scene as they execute malefactors who haven’t necessarily be given due process of law.

But even if court proceedings are followed, drones are not so discrete that they will take out only one person in a house. Nor will they circle overhead while non-targets leave the premises. Imagine if the death penalty were applied so that not only the criminal was killed, but also his family and friends. The only way you can justify that is by resorting to the lame, unproven claim that they “must have been helping him” or by muttering some shibboleth about “collateral damage”. Has human life become so cheap?

That is what you support if you think drones are a good idea.

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