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Bipolar as Boss

Posted on August 23, 2007 in Bipolar Disorder Class

Having bipolar disorder isn’t going to threaten your job if you’re the boss.

Minimum Wage Facts

Posted on August 6, 2006 in Class Mailbox

Not only do they get crummy wages, they have little or no health insurance.

1 Minimum wage workers haven’t gotten a raise in nine years.

2 Yes, in America you CAN work full-time and still be poor.

3 Nine big, fat raises. That’s what [Republican] congressional leaders have given themselves while blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage.

4 Those [Republican] congressional pay raises add up to $31,600 per member per year—three times a minimum wage worker’s total annual salary.

5 In 2003, workers paid an average of $2,283 for employment-based family health insurance. That’s 20 percent of a minimum wage worker’s $10,712 full-time, full-year earnings.

6 At the current federal minimum wage rate of $5.15, a minimum wage worker has to work 11.2 hours to pay for one tank of gas.

7 The chair of the Arizona anti-increase group Jobs First actually said most minimum wage workers who are not high school students or first-jobbers are “people who are retired and say, ‘Hey, we want to do this more as a way of biding our time.’” Ask the grandma taking your order at a local fast-food place if she’s doing it for fun. And according to the Economic Policy Institute, seven of every 10 workers who would benefit from a $2.10 increase in the minimum wage are adults.

8 Even greedy Wal-Mart supports a minimum wage increase so its low-wage customers can afford to buy more stuff.

9 Many of the people we pay the least take care of the people we love the most. Home health aides caring for our elderly parents and child care workers would benefit from a minimum wage increase.

10 Most Americans—by a big margin—want the minimum wage increased. [Republican] Congressional leaders are NOT blocking the increase to please their constituents.

Gay Marriage Ban Does Not Equal A Minimum Wage

Posted on June 7, 2006 in Class Journalists & Pundits

Some reporters downplayed the seriousness of changing the U.S. Constitution by suggesting that the Republicans’ proposed amendment was a routine political ploy of the sort both parties engage in. As National Public Radio political editor Ken Rudin put it on CNN (6/5/06): “It’s politics, not politics in a bad way, but it’s politics. Democrats have done the same thing. They’ll insist on a vote on raising the minimum wage, not that they’ll have it or not, but to put Republicans in the uncomfortable position of having to vote for and against it. A tactic that’s been used since the dawn of creation.”

One might point out that there’s a significant legal and qualitative distinction between a constitutional amendment limiting the civil rights of Americans and a legislative attempt to give poor workers a raise.

Norman Solomons, FAIR

square384The Usurper is far too hungry for adulation and a Congress that will wreak his will. He has screwed the country over, gaining for himself the dishonor of being known as the worst and most corrupt president in American history. We cannot be sure that his legacy will be undone in our lifetime. It will take a great president and a united American people to reverse corporate power’s hold on our government. We must have the courage to take it back.

The issues are twofold: the limiting of civil rights and redirection of resources. It’s bad enough that a minority of Americans support institutionalized homophobia. I oppose it now and I will oppose it because the government — not the People — must be limited in what it can do. No matter how many housewives complain about how they can’t imagine themselves in bed with a woman or how a man can take another man to wife those housewives have no business changing the law of their land towards this end. Diversity is about getting along with others. Diversity is Democracy.

Isn’t the gap between the richest and the poorest in this country an entirely different matter? Where the Republicans champion a measure which will only entangle us in bureaucratized homophobia, the Democrats offer a plan which will improve the quality of life of the working poor and do a small bit to lessen the gap between the rich and the poor. There’s a big difference between these and I protest the oversimplication.

The gay marriage ban is nothing more than a maneuver by corporate America to swell the number of conservative voters going to the polls, shore up the base of a disastrous chief executive, and prevent working Americans from empowering themselves. I shall not be fooled and neither should you.



Posted on May 20, 2006 in Class Morals & Ethics

If I give money for hurricane relief victims, I want to give it to people who will take it straight to them, who won’t be jigging to the prospect of winning their souls/minds to The Cause.


Red State Economics?

Posted on May 1, 2006 in Class Reading

Receiving bread from us, they will see clearly that we take the bread made by their hands from them, to give it to them, without any miracle.


Why Voting Republican is Bad for Bipolars

Posted on April 27, 2006 in Campaign 2006 Class Insurance Mental Illness

Voting Republican is against our best interests as sufferers of mental illness and as human beings.


The Hidden Motive of the Anti-Immigration Movement

Posted on April 18, 2006 in Class Hatred Immigration

That phrase “all persons born….in the United States….are citizens” protects you.


Immigration: The Other Side

Posted on April 18, 2006 in Class Pointers

DrumsnWhistles blogged a photo essay with commentary.


Only in America

Posted on April 4, 2006 in Class Journalists & Pundits Scoundrels

Only in America do we demand the right to be screwed by corporations.


One More Blow Against Stigma and Penury

Posted on March 29, 2006 in Class Stigma

This takes the guilt off my shoulders.


Cleaning the Streets

Posted on March 28, 2006 in Class

There but by the grace of God go I.


A Dried Blossom Blowing in the Wind

Posted on March 26, 2006 in Class Psych Wards Psychosis

I am sick of those who advise drastic measures without offering realistic, concrete support.

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