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Joe Ain’t No Plumber

Posted on October 16, 2008 in Campaign 2008

Mr. Wulzerbacher’s notoriety has raised the ire of Tom Joseph, business manager for Local 50 of the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, who claimed that Mr. Wulzerbacher didn’t undergo any apprenticeship training.

“When you have guys going out there with no training whatsoever, it’s a little disreputable to start with,” Mr. Joseph said. “We’re the real Joe the Plumber.”

square494Seems Joe the Plumber not only doesn’t have a plumber’s license (he has to have his own to practice), but he has never undergone apprenticeship and he’s a tax cheat.

Details unearthed at Daily KOS further suggest that he already has his own small business empire.

Or he makes only about $40,000 a year.

This man has lied to the nation. I would hate to be one of his customers.

Why I Will Not Watch the Debate

Posted on October 15, 2008 in Anxiety Bipolar Disorder Campaign 2008

square493I am not going to watch the debate tonight because I don’t know how it will end. Sure I trust Obama to be strong, but I wonder if the American people will see McCain for what he is when he pulls up the garbage truck and dumps his load of calumny about Robert Ayers and ACORN. In other words, I don’t trust myself to be strong. I will be clutching a pillow and screaming into it for much of the show anyways along with most of the bipolars I know — at least the medicated, aware ones. Being sicker is not my idea of a better America for me.

I have no desire to see McCain bring his shit, baked in the heat of the Arizona sun and flipped onto the hot stove of his campaign committee just to make sure that every ounce of compassionate moisture is gone to the podium forming a slough for everyone to walk in. He’s angry, he’s scared, he’s behind. That makes him a mad dog eager to take a piece out of the Hope that Obama has generated.

The polls say that the negative campaigning hurts McCain. But the Republicans are saying “Repeat this mantra: Ayers, ACORN, Ayers, ACORN, Ayers” until the base froths at the mouth and attacks the Democrats standing in the lines at the polls with chants of “Kill Obama”.

McCain and Palin have scared the hell out of me so much that I have sent for my absentee ballot. As far as Election Day goes, I am going to be a cipher. As far as the debate, I am going to be reading or eating out or watching videos with my wife. I can’t take feeling myself rise to my feet and screaming at the top of my voice “You evil fool!” and to the People “Don’t let him mislead you! He’ll take you to hell!” No, I am better off without these passions. My cries will carry only as far as the glass of my television screen and the neighbors will think me strange.

So let me spare me the strain. The nation will go on. I have done my part to set it to a better course.

Yep, I am a wimp, but I vote.

The Name Game

Posted on October 14, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Video

How do you counter the “Barack Hussein Obama” taunts of the dittoheads? Put this on your website and be sure your friends see it:

See why this NYT blogger thinks Britney Spears is “more civilized” than Sarah Palin.

And shiver at the revelation that McCain’s transition team leader worked for Saddam Hussein.


Triggers Pointed at Each Other

Posted on October 13, 2008 in Anxiety Campaign 2008 Weather

All this has left me with a steel cable of tension running up the back side of my neck. These are Xanax moments….


Treating Health Care Like Banking?

Posted on October 12, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Insurance

square491This little series from the Institute for America’s Future has appeared here before. I found the title of this one catchy and hope you will take the time to read it and think. John McCain and Sarah Palin will damage our nation beyond repair after eight years of W. Friends do not let friends vote for them:



The Greatest of These is Love

Posted on October 11, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Hatred Sexuality

square490Proposition 8 is an attempt to make gay marriage unconstitutional in the state of California. It’s close and we need everyone voting to pull that lever against it.

There are a lot of gongs ringing for the measure. Fill yourself with compassion for those who love and see it through to ensure that it does not pass.


Sarah Palin, Queen of Secession

Posted on October 9, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Scoundrels

square489To understand Sarah Palin’s attacks on Obama’s alleged connections with Bill Ayers, you must understand her involvement with the [[Alaska Independence Party]]:

AIP’s charter commits the party “to the ultimate independence of Alaska,” from the United States which it refers to as “the colonial bureaucracy in Washington.” It proclaims Alaska’s 1959 induction as a state “as illegal and in violation of the United Nations charter and international law.”

AIP’s creation was inspired by the rabidly violent anti-Americanism of its founding father Joe Vogler, “I’m an Alaskan, not an American,” reads a favorite Vogler quote on AIP’s current website, “I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.” According to Vogler AIP’s central purpose was to drive Alaska’s secession from the United States. Alaska, says current Chairwoman Lynette Clark, “should be an independent nation.”

Vogler was murdered in 1993 during an illegal sale of plastic explosives that went bad. The prior year, he had renounced his allegiance to the United States explaining that, “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government.” He cursed the stars and stripes, promising, “I won’t be buried under their damned flag…when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.” Palin has never denounced Vogler or his detestable anti-Americanism.

Palin’s husband Todd remained an AIP party member from 1995 to 2002. Sarah can be described in McCarthy-era palaver as a “fellow traveler.” While retaining her Republican registration, she attended the AIP’s 1994 convention where the party called for a draft constitution to secede from the United States and create an independent nation of Alaska. The McCain Campaign has reluctantly acknowledged that she also attended AIP’s 2000 Convention. She apparently found the experience so inspiring that she agreed to give a keynote address at the AIP’s 2006 convention and she recorded a video greeting for this year’s 2008 convention. In other words, this is not something that happened when she was eight! (Emphasis mine)

What Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes is treason, pure treason. Sarah Palin is the most dangerous major party candidate ever to seek the vice presidency of the United States. John McCain, therefore, is either the most dangerous or most inept candidate for president. Or maybe he is a [[Manchurian candidate]] following orders from Hanoi? Naw. Being too angry and full of himself is explanation enough for his hasty choice here.


Grocery Clerk

Posted on October 8, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Class

square488I have to wonder about middle-aged grocery clerks who pronounce financial apocalypse on the basis that Democrats are just going to go back to their old habits of the LBJ days. “Democrats are all tax and spend,” said the fellow checking my items at Trader Joe’s. “That just doesn’t work.”

“Unlike the Republicans who are don’t tax but spend anyways,” I replied.

“That was Bush.”

“And the Republican Congress,” I reminded him with a smile as I walked out the door into the October heat. Nice to see how the Republicans are cutting the lines to Bush, trying to forget that they lauded him and voted for his every program.

Don’t you forget.


The Mean Machine Gets Checked

Posted on October 8, 2008 in Campaign 2008

square487Oh they just keep going on and on. First, the McCain campaign’s latest tactic is that they are keeping the press away from Palin’s supporters:

When reporters tried to leave the designated press area and head toward the bleachers where the crowd was seated, an escort would dart out of nowhere and confront him or her and say, “Can I help you?” and turn the person around.

When one reporter asked an escort, who would not give her name, why the press wasn’t allowed to mingle, she said that in the past, negative things had been written. The campaign wanted to avoid that possibility.

Guess cranks attract cranks and they don’t want some crank who isn’t on the ticket upsetting things for the cranks who are. Then there is the matter of the Palin rape kit charges. Despite what the McCain campaign says, they are a real thing:

Wasilla once had a policy on the books — publicly supported by Palin’s hand-picked police chief — that it would charge rape victims or their insurers to collect evidence of sexual assaults. (Or to be more precise, the town would no longer pay for the fees out of its own budget and would seek reimbursements.)

And while that policy was in effect, Palin was mayor, and Palin approved the town budget. In 2000, though, that practice was deemed so offensive that the Republican-leaning Alaska Legislature stepped in and quickly passed a law so that towns like Wasilla could not charge victims.

And guess what? That’s all still true.

Pity the media doesn’t push this story more. Still she and McCain are doing aplenty to stick their feet in their mouthes, chew off their toes, and spit the bloody mass in the general direction of the Democrats.

Sean Hannity, one of their favorite minions, found himself tried by his own rules recently:

[Obama aide Robert] Gibbs decided he just wasn’t having any more of it, and in precisely the sort of parry that one wanted to see turned the guilt-by-association game on Hannity, asking him, “Are you anti-Semitic?” Soon, the conversation was a mess of yelling and crosstalk, with Gibbs loudly asking why Hannity would give a hatemonger a primo forum, and Hannity responding, “BENJAMIN NETANYAHU BLURBED MY BOOK! YAAHHHH! LOUD NOISES!”

Why’d he ask that? Oh, because Sean Hannity built an entire smear-job “news” program around the lunatic ravings of an anti-Semitic loon named Andy Martin. He’s not the only man of that ilk that Hannity pals around with, either.

Whoops. There’s probably a better case for Hannity being a closet anti-semite here than for Obama being a terrorist, don’t you think?

And the day is not yet over. Following yesterday’s disastrous debate showing, John McCain is going to keep it dirty. The so-called citizen’s militias are doubtlessly piling their assault rifles high for an attack on the White House and the Federal government. At very least, Republican jingoism is going to keep a sizeable segment of the American people divided from the rest for many years to come — unless Obama pulls yet another rabbit out of the hat.

I’ve always said that the greatest president is yet to come: the one who reverses all the damage done by Bush and the Republicans these past fourteen years (I’m counting the damage done by the Republican congress such as [[deregulation]] and the [[Donut_Hole_(Medicare)|Donut Hole]]). Maybe Obama will be it.

A look at Main Street Wasilla from one of Jon Stewart’s reporters.

[tags]campaign 2008, John McCain, Sarah Palin, jingoism, sleaziness, sleazy politics, sleazy campaign, Mean John McCain, Barack Obama, Obama, McCain, mudslinging[/tags]


McCain Runs Scared

Posted on October 7, 2008 in Campaign 2008

Smears and dirty tricks are signs that McCain’s campaign is failing:

I won’t be watching the debate, but I won’t be surprised if McCain tries to bring up the Ayers smear and maybe a surprise out of nowhere. All Obama needs to do is keep the focus on tonight’s topic which is the economy.

When it comes to character, John McCain ain’t presidential.

[tags]Campaign 2008, Mean John McCain, John McCain, Barack Obama, debate, debates, presidential debate, presidential debates, McCain, McSame, McCan’t, Obama[/tags]


The View from Little Diomede

Posted on October 1, 2008 in Campaign 2008

square484The cruel thing about the Press is that ~sometimes~ they check your story. Sarah Palin has been telling the world that she can see Russia from Alaska. Sure, she can, but she never has. A CNN reporter went to Little Diomede Island, which is the only place where you can see Russia from Alaska. And guess what? She hasn’t been there!

No Alaskan governor has ever visited [[Little Diomede]], though indicted U.S. Senator [[Ted Stevens]] has made the trip. The town’s residents barely knew who Palin was, and one of them didn’t know she was the VP nominee.

Damn that so-called liberal media!



Same Path

Posted on September 30, 2008 in Campaign 2008 Class

Here’s a quick outline of Obama’s tax plan:

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