Home - 2002 (Page 37)

Year: 2002

Beisboll Been Belly Belly Bad to Norton

Posted on August 17, 2002 in Childhood Crosstalk

Oh dear. I’m talking like a progressive again….how dare I attack the sacred cow of the so-called free market!

Possible Lapse of Blogging

Posted on August 16, 2002 in Site News

Both my loyal readers may find me out of the internet this weekend. We’re in the process of moving notfrisco2.com from Yahoo Websites to Glowhost. If the move goes smoothly, I’ll be shifting notfrisco.com and alsirat.com, too. Then watch for the transfer of this blog from blogger.com to Moveable Type.

Keep your fingers crossed for us.

No Freon

Posted on August 16, 2002 in Weather

First they left messages. Then, when she called them back, their receptionist told Lynn to “just wait” for them to get around to getting back to us again: she couldn’t find the papers.



Posted on August 16, 2002 in Misc Site News

I’m getting fed up with enetation as my comments engine. Does anyone know a better comments vehicle, either off-site or written in the strange script language of Yahoo known as Miva? Or can someone tell me if I can set up Moveable Type on another site and ftp to this one?

Send me email.



Posted on August 15, 2002 in Reflections

My friend snaily^ runs peersupport.org. I erroneously listed it as peersupport.com. The text has been changed appropriately, but I want people to know the right place to find her.


Meeting Crazy Tracy’s Challenge

Posted on August 15, 2002 in Abortion War Whimsies

The holy madwoman with the foul mouth has declared it to be Time — Time to take back the phrase “pro-life”. She’s continued the tangent pointed out to us by rainbow and called for new action. For far too long, we’ve allowed a segment of the population to seize upon the slogan and use it to ends that actually deny life. Abortion often serves as a smoke screen that conservative candidates use to prevent us from reviewing their own anti-family, pro-profit, pro-strife, and pro-death stands on issues such as the death penalty, the arms race, child care, civil liberties, national health care, housing for the homeless, and all the life enhancing programs that true liberals and progressives support. If you believe in America as a land where through mutual cooperation and sharing we can make a great nation, you are pro-life. To those who despair, who believe that there is no good future, we say Choose Life. To those Congresspersons deciding whether to put our tax dollars into war toys or social programs, we say Choose Life. To those who cannot decide if the government should have a role in providing decent health care to everyone, we say Choose Life. Choose Life means compassion for others, courtesy, and faith in human dignity. Choose Life. Choose Life. Choose Life.

Here’s a blank sticker for you to fill out:

You may steal this one, too:


Me and St. Martin de Porres

Posted on August 15, 2002 in Courage & Activism Myths & Mysticism

Even though I no longer call myself a Catholic, when I see images of him, I point to them and say “That’s St. Martin de Porres. I’ve named myself after him.”


This Pisses Me Off

Posted on August 14, 2002 in Quizzes

When did I say I wasn’t ever going to take one of these fucking quizzes again?


Lynn’s Closet Catholicism

Posted on August 14, 2002 in Spirituality and Being

If the Pope ever underwent a true Christian conversion and ordained women priests, you can rest assured that my Quaker wife would be up front and center at the baptismal fount, signing up.



Posted on August 14, 2002 in Dreams

I am a clone named Daniel Kinkaid, a reincarnation of myself who has been brought to life so that the future can use my experiences. The year is 2730 by my reckoning and and I am in southern Chile. I ride around with other clones behind a steam locomotive which moves without spewing soot. There are we clones and there are those who are natural born — firsties. We pull into a station — Truman Center — and I mention that I lived while Truman was still alive. It’s funny, I say to my fellow clones, you never seem to meet people you knew in your previous lives. They admit that this is true, all except one guy who claims he knew someone who had found a friend from the past. We pull out of the station and enter open country. We pass a monastery where saffron-robed monks of both sexes till the fields. I wonder if they will allow me, a clone, to join them. Then word comes back to me that a mistake has been made. I died damaged. I must be corrected. My mind flies off, seeking the counsel of an angel. The angel, who is a huge computer, tells me that I am not defective as others say, that I have a purpose. I may enter the monastery, it says, if I wish for the monastery is for clones and there I will always be safe.


An Actual Conversation, with Extension

Posted on August 13, 2002 in Attitudes IRC/Chat

I’m not about to start hanging out in lesbian bars, passing. But there are other strange little coincidences in my life that make this self-definition interesting.


New Look

Posted on August 13, 2002 in Misc

It’s coming. I’ve got to do something about all this damned orange, but it’s coming. And, yes, I will accept coding help. Let me know what you think.

Masthead graphic courtesy of Cooltext.com.

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