Posted on July 22, 2002 in Writing
I gave a true finish to Chapter 2 today. The previous version has too few words. It had a preliminary sketchiness that afflicts my writing when I am in too big a hurry to get done. I think I was thinking too hard about the impending reward, the end of the week, and the humor I intended to introduce in the next chapter. I rushed to the end and left it dangling with a sentence more mangled than the road kill it attempted to describe. Over the weekend, I fiddled with it in my head. I realized that I had lied to myself, that this was not the finished first draft at all. I had neither prepared my readers nor myself for the third chapter. So I did it again. I did it right this time.
Posted on July 22, 2002 in Cafes
Today she walked up to the window that opens next to the rattan chairs I’ve used the last few times I came here. Then she stopped when I looked up and sputtered “How’s it going?” before she ran back behind the counter and hid on the side beside the cash register.
Posted on July 22, 2002 in Weather
It’s nearly August and the cry goes out across the land “It’s too damn hot!”
Posted on July 21, 2002 in Folly Watch Plants
I do wish trees wouldn’t involve me in their sex lives.
Posted on July 20, 2002 in Neighborhood
I know nothing of avian politics, but they all know that there is black oil sunflower seed to be had on the deck with the cacti, the impatiens, and the dwarf date palm.
Posted on July 20, 2002 in Sexuality
I’m not as stupid as the Piltdown Man….
Posted on July 20, 2002 in Reflections
In terms of age, I may be in the top 5% of all bloggers.
Posted on July 19, 2002 in Writing
I treated myself to a Raspberry Tango at Tully’s today as a reward for finishing Chapter 2 of my “fiction project” yesterday. Things haven’t been moving along quite as quickly as I expected, but I’ve got a first draft. How did Trollope do it? How does Joyce Carol Oates do it? Whatever is wrong with it can be either rewritten or excised.
I tend to start out very sketchy when I write. Before I tackle a chapter, I make a lot of notes on the people and the places they interact. As I fill up pads, I number the pages and record a brief note about each page in a notebook I keep in a box at the foot of the bed.
Writing’s a lot of thrashing about, false starts, and sometimes a joy ride. I find that nearly every article I write in long hand ends up getting fatter as I type it up. I’ve got to do that if I am going to do what I think good writing is about, namely conjuring up phantoms to deceive the senses. I seek to create that lively, soft ripple that washes over my brain when I read a lively or a vivid passage. I often have to keep revisiting a piece before I get it right. Chapter 2 now ends with a decidedly ungrammatical sentence. I know a few other passages that need work. They’re like anorexic girls now: I need to feed them, get them to plump out, resist the urge to let them vomit up every progress and make me start again from skeletal beginnings. If I do it the way it should be done, reading these passages should evoke that exquisite chill I so love when I read a particularly poetic piece of work. But for now, Chapter 2 gets backed up on a disk, stored in a couple of places “off-site”, and put in a loose leaf notebook where it can age gracefully for a while as I struggle with the next series of scenes.
Posted on July 19, 2002 in Peace
<The_Christian_Zionist> the USA Is awsome .. and thanks to Bin Laden .. we have our enemies identified so its going to be a really cool war
Posted on July 19, 2002 in Accountability Human Rights
I’m discovering if you want to get the lowdown on American corruption in time to head something off, you need to read the overseas papers.
Posted on July 19, 2002 in California Watch
The Runnion story is an old one, it seems, as old as human lust and panic.