Home - 2002 (Page 44)

Year: 2002

This is going to look like a gloat

Posted on July 18, 2002 in Quizzes

What Was Your PastLife?

One of the few things you’re going to see me say about Israel/Palestine

Posted on July 18, 2002 in Peace

This has never been one of my favorite subjects.

Changes on A Fossil Dune

Posted on July 17, 2002 in Neighborhood

Australian aborigines soak the features of the earth they walk upon in their mythology. Even rough badlands — dried splashes of mud — receive histories from the old men who remember the wisdom of the tribe.


Crazy Tracy Again

Posted on July 17, 2002 in Depression

Drugs aren’t the answer to the depression. They are the floor that you put down so that you won’t be getting sucked up in the mud while you address the life issues that are getting you down.


The Emerald Hell

Posted on July 17, 2002 in North Carolina

I am not proud of what I was.


Chlorine in the Falls

Posted on July 16, 2002 in Neighborhood

I sigh and think of the gold fish that could be there instead of the stink of anti-bacterial paranoia.


Of Printer’s Devils and Needlework

Posted on July 15, 2002 in Adolescence Ancestors

My grandmother was a talented artist with the needle and thread. She knew how to create eye-deceiving dappling that made her works seem alive.


White Buckwheat

Posted on July 15, 2002 in Plants Reflections

I look outside at the sharp sandstone ridges and half domes and I feel like them — half-clothed with “soft chaparral” like buckwheat that cracks when you pick a piece and explodes when you set a spark to it.


Thoughts on the Beast

Posted on July 15, 2002 in Crosstalk Depression

I remember one morning when I sat up in my bed and woke up my wife. “Lynn,” I said to the Empress. “I’m sick.”


Is Saint Rasputin Next?

Posted on July 15, 2002 in Myths & Mysticism Scoundrels

Nicolas III…does not inspire [supporters of his canonization] to tell the truth, which is one of the highest forms of Good. This should be reason enough to reject for all time any claims on his sainthood.


Invisible Rhinos at the Zoo

Posted on July 14, 2002 in Zoos

Rowan was certain that there was a “mama” in every cage, that there were no polygamists among the beasts, and that all the baby animals had young sisters and brothers.


Five things you wouldn’t know about me from reading my blog

Posted on July 14, 2002 in Appearance Reflections

You’ll just have to look!

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