Home - 2002 (Page 47)

Year: 2002


Posted on July 5, 2002 in Zoos

The elephant enclosure at the San Diego Wild Animal Park hurls its reeking tarp over your nose well before you see any elephants.

Flattery from a cat

Posted on July 4, 2002 in Cats

Ambrose dips his paws in the water and sucks them dry.

An Irony of IRC

Posted on July 4, 2002 in IRC/Chat

A clique can hold a channel open for a very long time, though few care to visit it.



Posted on July 4, 2002 in IRC/Chat

I understand that my ardent detractors did a victory dance when word reached the channel of my resignation.


Holocaust Denial

Posted on July 4, 2002 in Falsehoods IRC/Chat Peace

Would that the number were only 300,000 as some hope!


Writing from the Road

Posted on July 4, 2002 in Travels - So Cal Writing

I almost can’t write on the road.


I am not a #news_garden op: I am a free man!

Posted on July 1, 2002 in IRC/Chat

The more hours that pass from my resignation, the greater the feeling of relief.



Posted on July 1, 2002 in IRC/Chat

One certain sign that things aren’t going well is when you spend a lot of time in arguments over who is whose victims.



Posted on June 30, 2002 in Pointers


Surrounded by books, a librarian shares novel stories of life


Oedipus the Hero

Posted on June 30, 2002 in Courage & Activism Myths & Mysticism

Oedipus is a true hero, a proto-egalitarian, the kind of man we are supposed to have in the Oval Office at this moment.



Posted on June 29, 2002 in IRC/Chat Sexuality Writing

IRC people will tell you nearly any thing in private, so long as you don’t blurt it out on the channel.


Ehumor I Have Found

Posted on June 28, 2002 in Pointers

Ehumor I Have Found

Martha Stewart has a Stalker?

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