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Month: January 2007

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #26

Posted on January 14, 2007 in Roundup

Since it is Sunday, let’s turn things upside down and start with the medicine and science articles.

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #25

Posted on January 13, 2007 in Roundup

Who pays the price? I’m not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old and my grandchild is too young. You’re not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family. So who pays the price? The American military and their families. – Barbara Boxer

No matter what the public says, Bush and Blair proceed as if they have its full support.


Not commenting during National Delurking Week is like not putting up a Christmas tree (or Chanukah bush)

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #24

Posted on January 12, 2007 in Roundup

New Los Angeles Sports Superstar.


Friday Anteater Blogging – An Aardvark

Posted on January 12, 2007 in Xenartha

I’ve promised to include an [[aardvark]] in my array of anteating mammals. This video showing a recent mother at the Brookfield Zoo may satisfy the hunger for African anteating.

Who needs cats and squids when anteaters combine the best qualities of both?



The Acid King?

Posted on January 12, 2007 in Quizzes

You know, I never did the stuff, but then I never needed it.


Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #23

Posted on January 11, 2007 in Roundup

If you went by news programs, you might conclude that public support for the “surge” is tremendous.


Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #22

Posted on January 10, 2007 in Roundup

To Surge or Not to Surge. That is the Question.


Now Which Day Was It?

Posted on January 10, 2007 in Milestones Partnership

square173I am not sure of the exact date (the 18th?) but I am coming close to the 20th anniversary of my meeting my best friend, my wife. Kind of funny in a way because I was more interested in the woman she was with and, at the last moment, offered to drive her home to impress this other person. The end result was that I asked Lynn out for a date (or I should say I stuttered a request for a date) and….well, you know the rest.

Another funny thing: we made a solemn vow to not have sex for six months when we met. By April of 1987, we were cohabitating.

This partner of mine has stuck with me through my worst scourges of my illness, nights when I held the pillow to my head and screamed. She was with me the morning I woke up and said to her “I am sick” and resolved to seek out psychiatric help. She stuck with me when I went off on a crazy trip to the Balkans to cover the war and she has listened to my every lunatic tale of life with the disease. Though there were moments when it was hard to stay faithful, I did, and as the years passed, the task became easier and easier.

Sometimes she has suffered the scourges of the jealous and the insane, but she has held my hand close. The shallow cannot begin to fathom her depth and commitment. This has been the love of my life.


War and Pieces of the Mind

Posted on January 9, 2007 in Occupation of Iraq PTSD

An antisocial character evolved out of a sociopathic war and the price was at least one family.


Systole and Dystole

Posted on January 9, 2007 in Life as Metaphor Reflections

square171From my seat in the restaurant, tail lights pressed into the darkness where their cause was taken up by headlights which came back at me. Just that steady round: no swings or episodes, no grand opera moments. Just the systole and dystole of a heart thumping to the movement of traffic. For now, my disease seems to be under control.

Goodbye 2006 with all your manias and depressions, your stalkers and your angry weirdos.


Insert A Trite Metaphor for A Corral #21

Posted on January 9, 2007 in Roundup

The White House confirmed that it was in serious political trouble on the matter of sending 3500 units to Iraq by bombing Somalia.


National Delurking Week

Posted on January 8, 2007 in Festivals The InterNet

Anyone can take part simply by leaving comments on the blogs that you regularly read!

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