Home - 2009 - February

Month: February 2009

The Joker Wins But at What Cost?

Posted on February 28, 2009 in Film Stigma Suicide

Go tell Hollywood that The Dark Knight is more than a fiction — it is a lie.


Posted on February 25, 2009 in Dreams

I find myself on another side of the island

Twitter and Brightkite

Posted on February 24, 2009 in Micro-blogging

square550Twitter is most famous as a “micro-blogging” platform. I can’t tell you exactly what that means, but it seems to me that Twitter operates at times like a bulletin board, at others like a comments thread, and still at others like a chat room. This blog article will appear within the half hour as a link on Twitter and you can find me there under the name of EmperorNorton sputtering my point of view and exchanging pleasantries. The ambiguity of Twitter cements its appeal for me and for many others.

Brightkite operates on a different principle. You mark where you are in the world ((Some people are scared about using Brightkite because they fear stalkers. You don’t have to indicate your exact place — you can broaden it to town, state, or even nation. You can set varying levels of trust so that those who are friends can see an exact address if you wish to offer one and everyone else only sees your city. There are many ways to ensure privacy in Brightkite and still enjoy the sense of locale that it offers.)) and report on what is happening in your location through notes and photographs. A few Brightkite users, however, don’t get the concept of reporting from place. They treat it as another Twitter, filling it with miscellaneous news articles, funny stories, political comments, and the like that have nothing to do with where they are. I think this marks a weakness in understanding that clutters a good idea.

Brightkite is not another Twitter. You’re called upon to give a sense of where you are, what you are doing. I’ve seen people post photos of the meals they are having. Such stuff would be tedious on Twitter, but on Brightkite it shows you a little bit of the world beyond you. If you use Brightkite, accept its challenge: look around you with your camera or with your mind. Report on what is around you, within arm’s reach, around your house, in the sky above you. Leave the punditry and the article links for Twitter because that is what Twitter is made for ((You can always set Brightkite so that your notes and photo links appear on Twitter)) . Let Brightkite be a place where people can look in on the various corners of the planet, not just another open-ended micro-blogging spew ((I do wish to register one complaint: the coders of Brightkite have been promising the ability to edit location information and notes as a soon-to-be-implemented-coming-feature for the last nine months. OK, “very soon” needs to be NOW, guys.)) .


Bland Therapy and a Bird of Paradise

Posted on February 24, 2009 in Bipolar Disorder Journals & Notebooks Originality & Creativity Reflections

square549Last night I wrote about a practice of happiness, that I rejected the idea of writing as bland therapy – as a theme paper about my daily struggles. But that isn’t such a bad idea on reevaluation in the morning. What was I getting at? I want to work at something that is hard. Writing about the disease fits this criterium. I want to write on it until it becomes easy, until the edginess goes away. I want it to bring me there without being told how to do it by anyone else. I want the right to compose beautiful things that have nothing to do with the illness that I bear. It should be fun, for example, to write about the pines surrounding the fountain while keeping bipolar disorder there but in the background. The disease can inform my perspective but curing it need not be the reason.

Therapists argue for a utilitarian approach which wearies me. Yes, at times it is a chore that I must make myself do, but it always angers me when I hear the same old advice about writing every day at the same time for the same amount of time. I know that is reasonable, but am I a child, an ignorant who just started this yesterday? When I want writing counsel I want to begin at a place beyond where I have been before. I have been places in my discussions of the illness that many have been. I want to see new things about it. That, oddly, may entail writing about the same things over and over again. Yea, it may be painful to write about some things. I don’t look forward to the ache, but getting through it is part of the happiness. Right now the irritation is central. I don’t want to turn into anyone who is a mere drudge at it.

The [[Strelitzia_reginae|bird of paradise]] ((A type of flower native to Hawaii and well-loved here in California)) must bloom. The hummingbird must whirr. The wheels of the train must turn and its whistle blow. If there be a track, let me find it. The image of a wandering locomotive delights me. Where are my rails and what is my ultimate destination? Do I find myself on a rock-strewn plain, in a forest, or mired in a marsh? I want to see a portrait of the moment.

So what am I feeling now? Strangely, a sluggishness or a heaviness along the top of my head. One of the reference librarians talks about schedules. Kids laugh loud. A little girl keeps checking her cell phone to see if it has received any calls. A woman with a long dark ponytails probes the fiction stacks. There’s a lot of noise around me. Now a sports car goes by outside beyond the trees of the patio and the fountain. What is that boy wearing blue doing with that long piece of string? What is his mother telling him?

I have a fear of answering these questions because I do not want to bestow my own thoughts on the scene. Who am I to dare? And what would it do to me to invent fictions to exist in the bodies of the people out there? The beyond ((Look at how I characterize this element. There used to be a television series called “[[Alcoa_Presents:_One_Step_Beyond|One Step Beyond]]” in the spirit of [[The Twilight Zone]] and [[The Outer Limits]]. Terror. My social anxiety crops up even when I try to imagine how others are thinking. Very interesting! But this is one thing that I am investigating in my writing now.)) is a wicked thing that takes me out of the immediate. The right here. I’ve lightened up listening and looking at the beyond, though. It’s made me feel better. It beats being in the middle of my own nothingness. Reaching out to touch makes me feel better about living with this disease, whose warps make things interesting. I want to recover those feelings without succumbing to them. I need not return to being a psycho to know how I once felt. Recovery means many things to me: it means both not being bound by the disease and also having the memory of the world seen through the disease in me, twisted but understood.


The Chocolate of Creativity

Posted on February 23, 2009 in Originality & Creativity

I should prescribe for Mr Pontifex a course of the larger mammals. Don’t let him think he is taking them medicinally….

Samuel Butler, [amazonify]1434617106::text::::The Way of All Flesh[/amazonify]

square548Good writing is something to reach for. The pleasure cannot be had by merely doing the job at the same time every day according to the same laws, but by having healthy bites of the chocolate of creativity. If composition is merely a task, merely diary, then what joy can it bring? By the mere blunder of a puttering b where there is the eternal question — “y” — a mere job ensues.

Every person who urges me to write as “therapy” wants to put me on a banal diet of ponderousness. I write best when I write as a practice of happiness.


Pogo Dog

Posted on February 22, 2009 in Dogs Video

Pogo Dog on 12seconds.tv

This is my first video using footage shot with my Flip Cam. The star, of course, is my Boston Terrier Drake. He was also my Best Boy.


Socks, the Ultimate Democat, Passes

Posted on February 20, 2009 in Cats Milestones

Former First Cat Socks is dead.


Monkey in Mid-Pacific

Posted on February 19, 2009 in ADD Originality & Creativity Therapy Writing/Darkness

I hated those people who said “You just have to be careful what you write.”


The Volcano

Posted on February 17, 2009 in Bipolar Disorder Journals & Notebooks Silicon Valley Stigma

I lived on the brink with a massive depression that I dragged around with me everywhere, a magma blob that burned while never glowing.


Therapists & The Word “Bipolar”

Posted on February 17, 2009 in Bipolar Disorder Journals & Notebooks Medical Ethics Writing/Darkness

The “war stories” leave the therapists out. So they try to drag us back into the mainstream by forbidding to us what distinguishes us.



Posted on February 15, 2009 in Milestones

Naw. It can’t be.

Quoting T.S. Eliot Again on 12seconds.tv


My Family’s Kitchen

Posted on February 13, 2009 in Childhood Journals & Notebooks Writing/Darkness

I could not escape the Sax household

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