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Month: November 2010

What Kind of Liberal Am I?

Posted on November 24, 2010 in Quizzes

Quiz: What Kind of Liberal Are You?

My Liberal Identity

You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.

Take the quiz at
About.com Political Humor


Posted on November 13, 2010 in Dreams

My wife and I have gone back to school and become attorneys.

The Death of the Internet

Posted on November 4, 2010 in Net Neutrality

square682The Constitution promises us that Congress shall make no law restricting freedom of speech. But there is a loophole: private corporations can. And now with the loss of the election, it is likely that Net Neutrality will fail and we will lose the Internet as we know it.

It’s simple: the corporations can curb freedom of speech by owning the stump. By owning the stump, they can say who gets to stand on it. Your and my voice will be silenced if we don’t say what they like hearing. It will be the death of the Internet.

As a disabled American, I am now sentenced to loneliness.

It was good while it lasted.


Return of the Wimpocrats

Posted on November 3, 2010 in Campaign 2010

square681I think Rachel Maddow said it best: Democrats, if you don’t campaign on your accomplishments, the Republicans will. Once again, however, the Wimpocrats appeared and acted as if all they had done was something to be ashamed of. And that lost them the House.

Here are the elements that did the Democrats in this time:

  • They pissed on the progressives. Get it through your head, Democrats, you don’t win elections without the progressives. If they don’t like you, you lose the people who will go door to door for you and make calls. Register the case of Blanche Lincoln who would not give an inch on health care. Even when progressive leaders made up, she still would not give ground and she lost. Those who had the love of progressives won.
  • Rahm Emmanuel. Good riddance. Obama and Congress LOWERED taxes, but somehow this information wasn’t getting out. Instead, everyone just wonked into the Oval Office and said nothing in their own defense. When you say nothing, the word doesn’t get out.
  • Tim Kaine. We need another Howard Dean in this role.
  • Harry Reid. He couldn’t keep his party in line and badly misread Joe Lieberman. Harry, please step down.
  • As suggested by the first paragraph, the Democrats utterly failed to take credit for the good they had done.
  • They ran scared of corporate America. They figured that there was nothing to be done about scare ads and big money. Yet here in California, Jerry Brown shellacked Meg Whitman by running a campaign that promised to put corporations in line. Maybe we understand these things better than they do elsewhere having endured the disaster that was AHnold, but the rest were utterly silent on the matter. Brown’s campaign needs to be studied and emulated elsewhere.

The Democrats got to stop being the Chicago Cubs.

Progressives, we will be back. I just hope to live to see it.

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