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State Terrorism

Posted on May 27, 2003 in Liberty Neighborhood

When I went to get the kittens today, there was a guy across the street hosing the oil spots off the driveway of a neighbor. He stopped his work when I came out.

I realized that I’d forgotten the checkbook, so I went back. He was standing there. As I went up the stairs, he watched me. When I came out again, got in the truck, and backed out, he watched me.

So I looked back at him. Stared him right in the eyes for more than a minute. He broke the look and lost the staring contest.

He could be just some loitering goon, a low IQ white boy doing a job usually performed by economically-motivated Mexicans in these parts. Still, I wouldn’t put it past Ashcroft to be setting people on the streets to watch “terrorists” like me. Recently, police in Oakland were forewarned of anti-war demonstrations by an agency which admits that it blurs the line between nonviolent dissidents and terrorists. Just speaking out against Bush makes you worse than those Fox News reporters who participated in the sack of the Iraqi museum, worse than the thieves who stole the year 2000 election, worse than certain allies of ours who boil dissidents to death. That’s what they want you to believe that your neighbors are thinking.

George W. Bush is a terrorist. Why do I say this? Because the aim of the terrorist is to make those who oppose him afraid. He picks his acts randomly. He doesn’t waste a lot of energy trying to get everyone, only a few high profile persons. Sometimes he goes for an unknown. The whole purpose of these calculated acts is to get us to look over our shoulders and worry if we might be next.

The man I saw across the street probably was just a dope scratching his butt while he waited for his check from the neighbor. But George W. Bush wants me to think that he might be a spy. He wants me to shut up, to stop criticizing his administration.

Terrorists want the good people of the country to say nothing while they rape. State terrorists are worse than regular terrorists (who are worse than people like me who speak our minds and refuse to engage in or endorse any kind of violence) because where the latter strives for freedom, the former wants to suppress it.

I predicted following the World Trade Center disaster that incidents of terrorism would be on the rise following the implementation of the Patriot Act. With our library reading lists watched, friends and neighbors taken into custody with no explanation, and Republican shock troops storming the speaker’s rostum at Rockford College (see the next article), those who oppose Bush may be moved to fear what will happen to them.

Do not give in to state terrorism.

If I or any blogger who has been outspoken against the war or against George W. Bush disappears, go to Amnesty International. Ask them to ask questions.

If you think you are being watched, look back. Stare. Take the guy’s picture.

The word to George W. Bush and the Republican dominators is this: We’re watching you back.

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