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Right Wing Roaches

Posted on August 18, 2003 in Attitudes Roach-B-Gone

A roach with only a right wing? Now isn’t that a picture?

Something’s been sinking in about roaches, especially the ones from the right: I shouldn’t take what they say about me personally.

In the past, I’ve defended my wild anger about the things that they have said because they use my name and make references that seem to be about me. For example, not two weeks ago, after a guy came after me about celebrating Hiroshima Day on the 5th of August instead of the 6th and I defended myself, a guy came on remarking that “liberals” can never stand having their bigotry pointed out. It was one of several comments that came all at once from different ISPs. Either someone was doing a clever job masking or there was a cabal targeting me or there was one hell of a big coincidence there. About half of them used false email addresses.

I closed the thread. No sense feeding them, I figured. And some of them whined.

Today I look back at the comment and appreciate more and more that that was a wise course of action. What liberal was this guy talking about? In my defense, I asked the person who felt it was “Americo-Centric” to explain exactly how, in the context of my other remarks, he could say so. He repeated what he’d said before, making no indication that he’d read my response or any of my other writings about Hiroshima Day. The guy who made the remark about my “not wanting to be shown as prejudiced” was wrong: I made an honest effort to see if there was a flaw in my thinking. Commentator Number One never demonstrated any prejudice to my satisfaction. So Commentator Number Two wasn’t talking about me.

So what was going on with Commentator Number Two? He was cruising for some abusing is all. I don’t doubt that when I shut him down here, he went off somewhere else, looking for “liberal” or maybe “conservative” meat to chew on. He just wanted a fight.

Which brings me to a larger question: just what the hell is going on with the commentators of the Right? It’s Fight Club: A surreal world where they can throw punches without accountability. It doesn’t matter who they’re aiming at, they just want to talk about blowing “liberals” up. They want to be The Terminator in words. They live in fear and they want other people to feel it, too.

The thing is, I don’t feel it.

They call me “Communist”, “disloyal”, and “coward” because they’re outrageously afraid of me. Me — who packs no gun, who pays his taxes, who speaks out against any violence including violence against them. How much more irrational can you get?

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