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A Suggested Amendment

Posted on August 23, 2002 in Peace

There are many things for which we expect nothing less than a two thirds majority, such as overriding presidential vetos. I think perhaps it is high time that we add a new amendment to the constitution. The United States may not war without a two-thirds approval of the Congress. The only exceptions I think we should grant are in defense of our territory, of our ships in international waters, and our planes in international air space. Any other act against another nation would be prohibited if not expressly endorsed by the Congress. We should also ban dispensations that amount to allowing the president to have a war pretty much when he feels like it, like the Hague Invasion Clause. We know and the rest of the world knows where our national boundaries are. I don’t think anyone should have a problem understanding and respecting what a border is, unless they happen to be one of those people who think it no crime to cross a neighbor’s property line to build an outhouse.

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