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Wimp-O-Matic Democrats

Posted on January 8, 2004 in Campaign 2004 IRC/Chat

It’s time to get angry, folks. Angry at the wimp-o-matic Democrats on IRC and elsewhere who fold over every time the RNC unleashes a new lie. I could not believe my ears when two alledged Democrats blamed Moveon for the Hitler commercial that someone had submitted in their contest. Excuse me, I said. But MoveOn acted with integrity. Why the hell are you giving up? You ~know~ the Republicans will scrape and scrounge for anything. If they hadn’t found this, they would have found something else. So what’s the best response? Tell the truth. Tell the truth a thousand times if you must. Tell the truth about Bush economics. Tell the truth about the War in Iraq. Tell the truth about the circumstances of this commercial, which failed to get enough votes by the MoveOn voters to make the final cut. Point to the RNC and say “This is just another of THEIR tricks, these the people who brought you the war without a cause, who have run our budget into a huge deficit, who stole the 2000 election, who maybe even now rigging voting machines to steal the next election.

The battlefield corpses who blame MoveOn for the RNC’s latest press circus seem to prefer to be Republican chorus line members to advancing their own cause, the cause of the working people, of getting us out of deficit, of saving the dollar, of creating durable jobs, of providing health coverage for each and every American. Oh, they wheeze through throat wounds, “MoveOn blew it”. MoveOn stood up for itself and has not given up the fight.

Let’s make one thing clear: the RNC pulled this stunt because it was scared, very scared of MoveOn and the grassroots machine of Howard Dean. This is a good sign, a reason for cheering.

When you see one of these corpses laying in its self-pity, the best thing to do is step right over it. There’s a machine in you that cannot be stopped if you have the wisdom to ignore the doomsayers and the guts to speak truth to your fellow Americans. Start it here. In your blog. Spread the word: the RNC is afraid of us. That call to arms that you hear over the field is the beginning of their panicked retreat.

Be smart. Move on!

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