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MoveOn Follows the Bloggers’ Lead

Posted on November 11, 2004 in Accountability

square270.gifAgain our “leaders” follow when voices from the Net have expressed their unadulterated concern. MoveOn has set up a web site called Investigate the Vote.

Before some Bushian Disinformation Specialist (BDS) tries to spin this as “conspiracy theory”, let’s face a few realities:

  • In at least two locales, more votes were counted than registered voters. In both cases, the extra votes favored George W. Bush.
  • Computers used in the vote tally had modems attached to phone lines or the InterNet. Any idiot can tell you that this is not secure.
  • There is no public scrutiny of the programs used to count the ballots. The president of Diebold is on record as having told Bush that he could guarantee Ohio.
  • The places where the exit polls were off the most were those states that used computers to calculate the results of optically read ballots. Exit polls in other states tended to be on the mark.

For an election to work, there must be faith in the process. Liberals care. Conservatives stonewall. And there can be no national healing if these questions are not thoughtfully investigated.

I am of the type who sighs when he loses a fair election and says to himself “Next time”. But this election, like the election of 2000, is tainted. Let’s see exactly what did happen and if the results need to be corrected, do it now.

Here’s an interesting article: Open Source Politics.

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