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A Little on the Sarcastic Side

Posted on November 15, 2004 in Eating Morals & Ethics The Orange

square063.gif Here’s a spicy bit from my latest at OC Metroblogs where I have picked up a nameless roach. Yes, it is mean. But it does seem to characterize an especially vocal element among those who voted for Bush. I know that there are people who oppose such behavior, but my question for them continues to be: why do you then keep building coalitions along with these types?

None of us can attach a hammer and sickle to her or his car without having it vandalized, but it is OK to discreetly announce your Nazi sympathies by placing an iron cross there. These people live in the freest nation on earth for fascists and they continue to complain! For these average Orange County single male Republicans, moral values amount to having the right to drink, grope women, obtain divorces without consequences or responsibility, and punch out whoever they desire. They’ll use the roads, stop at the lights, take walks in the park, and send our boys to Iraq, but pay their taxes for these and other responsibilities and privileges that come with being a citizen? “Them are fighting words!” Hiccup!

Fundamentalists have yet to learn, I suppose, that they are nothing more than the sheepskin the wolves of the RNC wear.

For a lot on the sarcastic — venomous side, check this out. Fire resistant keyboards and monitors strongly advised! OUCH!

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