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Election “Glitches” Mount

Posted on November 15, 2004 in Campaign 2004 Elections

square004.gifInteresting how the Fox News story fails to mention the name of the company. (But you can make out the name in the picture.) In one Indiana county, election officials discovered a “glitch” which registered all votes for straight Democratic tickets as Libertarian. And what corporation is responsible for this? Diebold.

A glitch or caught red-handed? The only way to put anyone’s mind at rest is to subpoena the software and put it out for a public examination. Also, given this incident, we are well in our rights to demand that every single Diebold machine in the country be checked out. One Democrat has turned his campaign around thanks to the discovery. Let’s make sure that every vote recorded by computer has been truly counted.

It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore. It’s a fact that the election was not properly counted.

No part of the electoral process must be secret. It’s time to eliminate “proprietary” software programs from the election process, including the BIOS. If a company doesn’t want to play, then they don’t get the business. The security and trustworthiness of the vote matter far more than this sacred cow called Big Business.

The Judiciary branch of Federal government is the one which has no vested interest in the elections. I propose that any election oversight be conducted by an agency under the supervision of the Supreme Court and the local appellate courts. The courts should be the ones to judge whether an election has been fairly counted or not.

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