Posted on August 7, 2005 in Citizenship Stigma
Now that studies have revealed that the mentally ill are at far more risk from the general population than the opposite, I think it is time for society to rethink its view of us.
Long ago, miners brought canaries down the shafts. If the bird started to flutter about or die, they knew that it was time to get out of there before they suffocated. People who suffer from mood disorders, especially, exhibit their disease when they are under stress. The past few years have produced much stress due to the commercial exploitation of the War on Terror, the loss of industries over seas, the two stolen elections, an idiotic war, and the impending loss of Social Security.
When the psychiatric wards begin to fill up and patients begin to look for God in the linoleum it’s a sign from the vox populi that all is not well in our nation today.
Think of what “sane” people have done lately: a war on terror that has failed to capture the man most responsible for terror; a war in Iraq that has turned the country into a dark hallucination that would give a schizophrenic a heart attack; a Republican leadership that isn’t willing to wait around for the Final Days but bring them around and quick; and phalanx upon phalanx of defenders of these policies. That’s the so-called sane for you.
I don’t deny that my moods shift about wildly when I am unmedicated, but at least I have never threatened to kill anyone, hit anyone, owned a gun, or voted Republican. It seems to me that we allow certain types of insanity to go unchecked such as accumulation of personal wealth beyond all reason, belief that we are in the Final Days, homophobia, jingoism, Creationism, and ballistomania. Where my disease affects me and my wife, their diseases affect many many more people. Why the hell aren’t they in institutions?
Very simple: these monkeys are obsessed with controlling the strings. People like me only seek to be accepted by others and ourselves. When we scream, it’s time to stop and do something before carbon monoxide gas floods the mine.