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Sanctus Sanctus

Posted on December 7, 2005 in Quizzes

The Monk
You scored 26% Cardinal, 58% Monk, 47% Lady, and 37% Knight!
You live a peaceful, quiet life. Very little danger comes you way and you live a long time. You are wise and modest, but also stagnant. You have little comfort, little food and have taken a vow of silence. But who needs chatter when just sitting in the cloister of your abbey with The Good Book makes you perfectly content.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 23% on Cardinal
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You scored higher than 86% on Monk
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You scored higher than 75% on Lady
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You scored higher than 17% on Knight

Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

OK, I’ve said this before, but did you know I seriously considered becoming a monk? Of course, I swinging between moods at the time, but I did!

The Expatriate
Achtung! You are 15% brainwashworthy, 27% antitolerant, and 14% blindly patriotic
Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would’ve left the country.

One bad scenario — as I hypothetically project you back in time — is that you just wouldn’t have cared one way or the other about Nazism. Maybe politics don’t interest you enough. But the fact that you took this test means they probably do. I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Did you know that many of the smartest Germans departed prior to the beginning of World War II, because they knew some evil shit was brewing? Brain Drain. Many of them were scientists. It is very possible you could have been one of them.

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930’s, you would not have been a Nazi.

The Would You Have Been A Nazi? Test
– it rules –

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 20% on brainwashworthy
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You scored higher than 26% on antitolerant
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You scored higher than 9% on patriotic

Link: The Would You Have Been a Nazi Test written by jason_bateman on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

* * * * *

Arthur Dent
You are constantly humbled by your universe, your world, and (let’s face it) probably your toothbrush. There is one small consolation, however. No one knows the value of an Altairian Dollar quite like a hitchhiker and no one knows the value of life quite as well as you.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 67% on dentity

Link: The Hitchhiker’s Guide Personality Test written by donquixotic on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

I stand unashamed of my Dentness.

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