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Sounds of Silence

Posted on October 18, 2002 in IRC/Chat

It was that an irony was missed that got me thinking. I’d been teasing Zeno- about how her fascist quotient was a few tenths of a point higher than my own on the #politics channel when another chatter charged to her defense. I asked him: “Do you always jump into conversations when you have no idea of the relationships involved?” Bushs4thReich replied “Are you always insulting?”

I’ve felt on the margins of discussions on IRC lately. They laugh when I say something wise or something funny, but mostly people prefer to keep arguing with the same people that they always argue with. JimL, for example, was at it with Guyin40s last night over the gun control thing. I contributed a few observations and ripostes to the chat, then realized that though my words were heard, no one seemed to be talking to me.

So I left. When I did, no one said goodbye, even those who’d benefited from my alliance. I don’t particularly care to be just an tool. It’s why I oppose war and it is why IRC chat is getting to me lately.

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