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First Church of Blog

Posted on March 12, 2006 in Blogging Uncertainty

square160Sunday morning. Catching up on blogs. Tapping on the keyboard where the classic Wordstar of the left hand has turned into a cluster of half-dissolved craters, the E key in particular reduced to a post. I am the acid king, oozing virification from my fingers.

The hands conspire with the eyes to bring me to blogspot. The comment machine runs slow, failing to emit the verfication keystrokes for several minutes a post. “What is this?” I wonder about the Sabbath crowd. “First Church of Christ Blogger?”

It seems that some of the congregation have stopped talking to me. A few I understand but others seem to have faded away into cliques or business or unexpressed views.

A fellow support group member teased me for being insecure. She then whispered something to the fellow next to her, chuckled at me right in my face.

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