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Iraq is Arabic for Vietnam

Posted on March 16, 2006 in Occupation of Iraq Pointers


Cal Thomas declared (4/16/03): “All of the printed and voiced prophecies should be saved in an archive. When these false prophets again appear, they can be reminded of the error of their previous ways and at least be offered an opportunity to recant and repent. Otherwise, they will return to us in another situation where their expertise will be acknowledged, or taken for granted, but their credibility will be lacking.”

And the people at FAIR did just that.

Norman Solomon on War-Loving Pundits.

“Now that the war in Iraq is all but over,” [Alan] Colmes demanded, “should the people in Hollywood who opposed the president admit they were wrong?”

On 25 April 2003, I was as proudly against the war as I was before it began. And I am still against the war today. I never doubted my patriotism, merely the wisdom of those who wanted this so badly.

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