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Every Little Thing

Posted on March 25, 2006 in Memes

Jeremy Hilary Boob Ph.d

Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY in titles of their songs…
The Beatles

1. Are you male or female?
* Nowhere Man

2. Describe yourself:
* 12 Bar Original

3. How do some people feel about you:
* The Fool on the Hill

4. How do you feel about yourself:
*Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey

5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:
* Not a Second Time

6. Describe your current significant other:
* To Know Her is to Love Her

7. Describe where you want to be:
* Back in the USSR

8. Describe how you live:
* You Won’t See Me

9. Describe how you love:
* The Hippy Hippy Shake

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
* Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues

11. Share a few words of wisdom:
* Come Together

12. Now say goodbye:
* The Long and Winding Road

Found at gen’s, who is Free as a Bird (especially when she is in mania).

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