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Deep Slow Purple Combustion

Posted on April 4, 2006 in Responsibility Social Justice

square323Rebecca shares a letter denouncing how the administration in a Kansas (where else could it be) high school are suppressing a flyer which describes how teachers allow bullying to happen in their classroom via neglect!

This sounds similar to situations in my junior high where the bullied were often sent to the office instead of the bullies. Having been one of those, I can attest to the deep, slow, purple combustion I felt for being singled out as “the problem” instead of those who were. As I said over there, bullying brings down both achievement and morale. Yet teachers, administrators, and parents insist that it helps build their children’s confidence despite all evidence to the contrary! Schools say that they exist to educate our children as future, nonviolent citizens but the survival of the fittest doctrine that drives schools in so-called anti-Darwinist Kansas and elsewhere makes for weaker students who are afraid to think for themselves.

Stronger citizens? Or are our schools lying about a deeper agenda, which is more pliable workers to perform their duties at Wal-Mart and other corporate slave pits?

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