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Gibson and the Medfly

Posted on August 1, 2006 in Hypocrites Myths & Mysticism War

square037For the record, despite my name I am not a Jew, but the product of a Catholic upbringing. So do not make the mistake of believing that I write the following because of Jewish solidarity. Nor should it be construed to mean that I support the heartless war that Israel is waging.

But Mel Gibson’s remark to the effect that Jews start all the wars in today’s world needs to be confronted. I watch dumbfounded as Michael Medfly — er — Medved has turned apologist for the solidly right-wing Gibson despite the fact that even he acknowledges that Gibson’s next film promises to upset its Jewish viewers.

It seems that the director and producer of Passion is indeed an anti-semite. Medved demonstrates the long-standing inferiority and compromised state of his reviews. Medved sold out long ago to corporate interests and to the fanatical right wing. (I remember, for example, how he decried Wall Street as being too hard on businessmen like Carl Icahn who were really nice people in Medved’s eyes.)

So what does this make Medved? A self-hating Jew?

There are calls to force Disney to withdraw its support for the film. Further calls might be made to boycott those churches whose pastors promote the film as they promoted Passion. In Passion, there were tiny references to Jew-hating rhetoric: in Apocalypto, it seems, those implications become downright statements. Those who honor Gibson with their business become complicit in the libel.

Had Gibson stated that he opposed the war being waged by Israel at this time for reasons of injustice or opposition to all war (as is my stand), I might be defending him. He has gone beyond this, however. He has contended the inherent evil of the Jews. And for this, all honorable people must turn their backs on him, Christian, Muslim, and Jew alike. There is enough Fundamentalist hatred in this world: we do not need Gibson’s blue-eyed voice at a time like this.

To those liberal Christians who pitter-pattered around this issue before when Passion was released, I can only say “I told you so.” And what are you going to do now?

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