Home - Roundup - Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #32

Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #32

Posted on January 20, 2007 in Roundup

I’m out to reclaim the old feel of the roundup today. Instead of just posting links, I’m out to put them in a little commentary/context.

square175Yes, I saw that Hillary announced as did Sam Brownback, surely a big household name in this contest for the leader of 2009. An interesting challenge may be posed by Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico and the nation’s first Latino candidate for president, who announces tomorrow.

And yes, Fidel Castro is still not dead.

Very well, go ahead and comment on my new expanded format or what I said therein. And if you have an article or a web site that you think I could include here, send the URL to me at gazissax at best dot com.

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