Home - Roundup - Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #39

Insert A Trite Metaphor for a Corral #39

Posted on January 27, 2007 in Roundup

square183Anti-war rallies attracted tens if not hundreds of thousands across the country. Oh, I remember the days when we opposed the First Gulf War. But how lonely it was in the beginning of this one, when we had the absolute chance to listen to our own CIA and to the UN special investigatory panels. The new batch of war haters is “I supported this war in the beginning but –” and that is supposed to make them more sincere, more real than the opposition of those of us who never supported the war. It’s a bit like the rejection perpetrated by the witch hunters of the 1950s who villified anyone who fought fascism in the Spanish Civil War as “being too early”. I am afraid — given the tepid opposition from the Congress that we elected to stop this war — that we’re too late. Next stop: Iran.

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