Home - Roundup - Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #51

Insert a Trite Metaphor for a Corral #51

Posted on February 12, 2007 in Roundup

square198I waited until I commented on Putin’s speech castigating the United States for its campaign for a “unipolar world”. This article by Paul Craig Roberts about the nuclear option (or even just the spent uranium option) in the Middle East sent shivers up my spine. We’re not interested in solutions: we’re interested in [[blitzkrieg]]. In other words, Hitler did not lose the Second World War: his philosophy is alive and well in the USA.

Roberts notes: The reception given to Putin’s words made it clear to Russia, China, and every country not bribed, threatened or purchased into participation in America’s drive for world hegemony that the US has no interest whatsoever in peace. Intelligent people realize that American claims to be a moral and democratic force are mere pretense behind which hides a policy of military aggression.

I hope that bloggers will walk off the track of the big media and give this article from Counterpunch the attention it deserves — especially since the Bush Administration has started the disinformation campaign to justify the intended bombing of Iran..

Happy Darwin Day.

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