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Which Variety of Sloth?

Posted on May 27, 2007 in Bipolar Disorder Uncertainty

square277The pill containers lay open. I heated a muffin in the microwave and thought that it would take ages for me to lay out the morning medications — two Effexor and a Cardizem. A hard prod from the forepart of my brain made me get the pill bottles and lay out the capsules — blue and green for the Cardizem and pink for the Effexor. Then I swallowed today’s dose with a little water. The whole operation was over in less than a minute.

You’re never sure, you’re never sure if this is the bipolar or another kind of sloth.

I cleaned the kitchen floor before we went on our vacation/delivery. Now I am checking out all the floors, getting down on my hands to scrub them or pick up scraps of paper in preparation for vacuuming.

[tags]bipolar disorder,sloth,depression,uncertainty,moods[/tags]

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