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Anti-Health Care Thugs

Posted on August 4, 2009 in Culture Wars Hatred Insurance

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square591The name of the game is intimidation. The evidence is in: lobbyists for the health care industry are promoting disruption in an attempt to stop us from enjoying the same quality of health care insurance as is enjoyed by millions in other civiilized countries. Their goal is to prevent any kind of conversation from occurring because they know that they are losing the arguments!

What can we do? One thing is to track the lobbyists back to their lairs and hector them at every turn. Shake them up like they are shaking up elected officials. The scenes you have seen from around the country are not spontaneous: they are organized and their leaders PAID. Expose them at every turn. Demand that the media stop covering their protests. Turn the cameras back to us.

Second, use disorderly conduct laws to throw a few of these loons into jail. Let their friends in the lobbying firms pay to have them released. Enough fines might be incentive for them to stop.

And stand up for health care at every turn. Shout back. Point out that they are the victims of RACISM: the corporatists think they are a bunch of gullible hacks who will do anything they ask for nothing. When they go to the country clubs, the race-baiters and disruptors LAUGH at these white people. Remind them of that.

Remember that these people aren’t just out to stop health care: they are out to steal America after decisively losing an election. Appeal to the silent majority of whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, men, and women to not let these hypocrites — the ones who gloated when Bush stole the 2000 election — destroy our commons, the commons of free speech and intelligent debate.

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