Posted on February 20, 2003 in Cats Dentition Weather
The main thing keeping me home isn’t pain, but the fact that if I go charging around town, pumping my heart, the wound in my mouth is about to bust. So I’ve plotted my life around the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, and, of course, the office where I stay in touch with humanity by email and MSN chat.
Yesterday’s rain turned into today’s wind storm. As soon as the clouds had wet down the world, the bellows that is Mounts Santiago and Modjeska heaved them back to the sea.
Live company has consisted of Lynn and the two remaining cats. Tracy wouldn’t let me alone while I tried to write the beginnings of a new story today. I kept picking her up and putting her down on the other side, facing away from me. She’d abruptly turn around and trot right back onto my chest.
It might be that she’s without amusements. The house finches haven’t touched the fresh supply of seed that I put out for them. I wondered why until I saw a hummingbird coming to the feeder I’ve rigged for them outside. I might have to lower the seed feeder from the upper window to the one next to the door. Hummingbirds can be very bellicose (as some of you now know) and fend off all comers. With the addition of the crinsom lightbulb feeder, I’ve changed the politics of the deck.
So this is Joel, playing at being Annie Dillard, except I have no Tinker Creek — just Canyon Ridge Drive flowing beneath my deck.
When you spit, think of me and be thankful that your’s is clear.