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Category: Propaganda

Bipolar Disorder in a Time of Hate

Posted on January 30, 2015 in Bipolar Disorder Campaign 2004 Campaign 2010 Campaign 2012 Hatred Propaganda Violence

What does one do in an America of violence, alienation, and stigma?

The Real Depravity of 2012

Posted on May 16, 2012 in Accountability Campaign 2012 Gender Hatred Propaganda

square781Let me get this clear: I am not gay. But according to the Radicals of the Tea Party (who really don’t care about gay marriage except to excite the fear-driven) I must be homosexual because I support same sex marriage. And I have supported it for many years — about 24 to be precise.

To tell you the truth, the idea of sleeping with a man repels me. I much prefer checking out women — adult women. But I accept that there are people who are drawn to their own sex and that it is innate to them, not the result of rape or poor parenting or whether they drink lattes at Starbucks. I do not accept marriage as a child-producing union, though it is probably a better idea that you have a partner when you start having children. This idea categorically places Lynn and I out in the cold, yet we have remained partners for 25 years.

Marriage is about choosing a person to be a relative that transcends blood relations. It cannot change facts of fatherhood: one DNA test can undo the presumption of parenthood. But what it does is ensure that my wife and I can form a financial corporation of a sorts together. It lets me say that Lynn can make medical decisions for me — recognize the fact that I trust her before most of my own blood relatives in these affairs. When I die, it ensures that my share of the wealth generated by our household goes to her. Where do there need to be children in this? ((Though marriage does help recognize children and preserve family wealth for them, too.))

Why not let people of the same sex have these same contracts without resort to legal legerdemain? Homophobia — which is hatred and fear, nothing more — just isn’t a reason.

But let’s get back to the real issues: we have a candidate for office who is a corporate raider. To hide his moral depravity, he trots out this issue. He has put people out of work, destroyed companies, and wrecked communities for the purpose of amassing wealth. Mitt Romney is a dangerous man and he is playing a dangerous game by playing the gay card.

Focus on him for what is he is: the champion of the 1%, the man who picks your pocket and wrecks your home life with his financial manipulations and favors to the rich and corporations. ((And if you are religious, God does not like the rich. And He expects the state to protect the poor. Read the prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the minor prophets. To believe otherwise is heretical and unChristian/unJewish/unMuslim.))

Amygdala in Overdrive

Posted on April 11, 2011 in Anxiety Frustration Paranoids Propaganda

square707My [[amygdala]] has been in overdrive. Every morning between 7 and 7:30, I wake up with my breastbone trying to break out of my chest. My thoughts immediately turn to politics and the Tea Party. I don’t think this is paranoia because I don’t look out my window to see if [[John Boehner]] and [[Eric Cantor]] have dispatched minions to watch my condo. The future is my topic. What will become of [[Medicare]]? What about the [[Social Security]] trust fund that my wife and I have paid into all these years? Will the Republicans find a way to steal the next election? Will progressives be stupid and sit this one out because they have not received a perfect package for their pains? Wave the bloody shirt and I am on Twitter screaming about it, trembling.

Recent studies suggest that our fears never go away: they are merely masked:

Fear is commonly investigated in mice by exposing them simultaneously to a neutral stimulus — a certain sound, for example — and an unpleasant one. This leads to the animals being frightened of the sound as well. Context plays an important role in this case: If the scaring sound is played repeatedly in a new context without anything bad happening, the mice shed their fear again. It returns immediately, however, if the sound is presented in the original, or even a completely novel context.

Deep in the amygdala, there are two groups of cells — one that generates the fear response and another that suppresses them. It’s a classic example of evolution’s shoddy engineering. When the suppression mechanism goes to work, it does not operate by stopping the fear response: it merely prevents it from being transmitted to other parts of the body. The fear is still there, waiting for the cells dedicated to suppressing it to drop their guard — as what happens when the sound is played in a novel context in the example above. Then the same old dreads run the show all over again.

I cannot help but tie this finding to another article I read recently about the amygdala. Scientists have discovered differences in the brains of liberals and conservatives. Your typical liberal has a larger [[anterior cingulate cortex]] which lets her pull concepts together and not be distracted by conflicting information. Conservatives have larger amygdalas, which researchers say makes them better able to “recognize a threat”.

My experience suggests that this is a politically correct way of saying that conservatives are often panic at the slightest implication that they are being threatened. Witness how they can be made to vote against their interests by campaigns based in racism or other types of hatred. Witness how some hoard guns beyond what they actually need to defend their homes ((I don’t own a gun nor have I ever needed one, even in some of the rough neighborhoods where I lived as a young man.)) . Witness how they allow military spending to overwhelm the federal budget even when specific programs prove to be unmanageable, unworkable, or a boondoggle ((If it is for “defense”, they’ll buy it. The amygdala doesn’t do well at discerning frauds.)) . Witness how they will stream to the polls if an appropriate [[robocall]] or commercial tells them that they are being threatened — even if this goes against all reason. Conservatives are eminently controllable by their fears. This has proven true in election after election.

The trick relies on a simple tactic: move conservatives out of the safe zone of discipline that they have surrounded themselves in to prevent their emotions from running wild. Conservatives are often better behaved in environments where they are taught to do as they are told — such as the military. Control of the emotions is vital. But change the context and the conservative is once more his old, fearful self. He might be a nice guy to everyone around him because he has been conditioned to be so, but remove that environment through bright flashing lights and loud voices preaching doom if the… ((Fill in the blank.)) are allowed to get the upper hand.

So liberals need to develop tricks to fight these tricks that turn good people into reckless fools. Sometimes we will need to use the fear. Sometimes we will need to train conservatives to ignore the lights and sounds, to become the true masters of their anxieties, their souls, and their political and economic destinies. The best society is one where the problem-solving power of the liberals and the threat detection power of the conservatives coexist to serve the whole.

This post is in response to Day 10 of the Health Activist Writers Challenge: “Post Secret


Executing Christiana Green

Posted on January 10, 2011 in Hatred Liberty Propaganda

What Tina King has said about Christina Taylor Green reeks worse than the bio-waste of any abortion


Laughner and His Cloud of Unknowing

Posted on January 8, 2011 in Accountability Civic Responsibility Propaganda Scoundrels Terrorism Violence

Laughner may be as crazy as a fox.


Rude and Barbaric

Posted on December 15, 2010 in Culture Wars Hatred Propaganda

square687Many of us are paralyzed into non-thinking when someone invokes “freedom of speech” or “freedom of religion” as the reason why they believe as they do. When you translate this, it means “I can say what I want and you can’t criticize it.” It’s a common rejoinder from the Right — especially racists — and from extremist believers aka Fundamentalists among Christians, Jews, and Muslims. When the American public buys into this, it leads us to a place where only the corrupt and vile can speak.

The First Amendment was never meant to operate so. And I think free speech is closer to what Dietrich Bonhoeffer said about ethics: ethics aren’t there to excuse what we do but to make us reach for something better. When we let the racist or the fundamentalist go unchallenged because “it’s his opinion and he can think what he wants” we let society down. We allow it to fester in fraudulency and evil. It is our duty to say to people who voice ugliness that they are ugly. We have these rights to make a better America, a better world. And part of that means using our voices to confront wrong.

If a Muslim cleric says apostates must be executed, we have a right to say “Well, that is just barbaric.” If a skinhead says he has a right to hate foreigners, we have a right to say “That is backwards and bad.” They scream that it is their free speech right, but they cannot silence us with their insistences that they can say anything — and do anything — they want without us challenging them because of free speech. That alone deserves admonishment. They live in America and they cannot put a stopper on their fellow citizens.

They are rude and barbaric. And I think they realize it, but don’t want to admit it.


Noise about Spring’s Author

Posted on September 21, 2007 in Propaganda

Here’s a nice article about why Rachel Carson isn’t a mass murderer.


Hitler’s Pagans

Posted on September 19, 2007 in History Myths & Mysticism Propaganda

From A History of Pagan Europe:

It is often written that Hitler’s regime in Germany (1933-1945) was Pagan in inspiration, but this is untrue. Hitler’s rise to power came when the Catholic party supported the Nazis in the Reichstag in 1933, enabling Nazi seizure of power. Many churchmen of both Protestant and Catholic persuasion were committed supporters of the Nazi regime. The belief that it was Pagan in outlook comes from propaganda during the Second World War. As anti-German propaganda, occultist [[Lewis Spence]] wrote:

The ancient faith of Germany and Scandinavia, popularly known as ‘the religion of [[Odin]] and [[Thor]]’, has been the subject of many a literary ecomium. To myself, as a student of Folklore and Mythology, it makes an appeal no more gracious and stimulating than any other religion of the lower cultus, and very much less so than those even of Polynesia or old Peru.

It is, indeed, only the fact that it is being resuscitated by extreme Nazi fanatics which makes it important at all, and, even so, it is worthy of notice only in a temporary sense, for with the downfall of Hitler and his caucus it will go the way of all artificially revived heterodoxies.

Himmler and Hess, two ‘extreme Nazi fanatics’, seem to have been active followers of an [[Ariosophical]] mysticism, promoting the future rule of the super-race. But Hitler himself said in 1941: ‘It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself.’

Spence wrongly connected National Socialist ritual, derived from Prussian and Austrian military custom, with Paganism, as ‘The Nazi Pagan Church’. Recent research by John Yeowell has shown that, far from being influential in Nazi Germany, Pagans were persecuted. Leading Pagans were arrested by the Nazi regime. For example, in 1936, the noted runemaster [[Friedrich Bernhard Marby]] was arrested and spent the next nine years in concentration camps. He was not alone. In 1941, on orders from Heinrich Himmler, many Pagan and esoteric groups were banned (including the followers of [[Rudolph Steiner]], the Ariosophists and followers of the religion of [[Odin|Wotan]]). Like other victims of Hitlerism, many Pagans subsequently died in concentration camps. (pp. 218-219)


The War for OIF

Posted on March 23, 2006 in History Liberty Propaganda War

I disagree with theories that hold that Americans were docile lambs led to the slaughterhouse made of shrapnel and spent uranium.


Comedy of Terrors

Posted on March 2, 2006 in Censorship Propaganda Terrorism

Will this mean that Star Wars can not be seen in England anymore?


Clinging to the Bumper

Posted on February 21, 2006 in Occupation of Iraq Propaganda

They’re just too cowardly to say “Let’s kill more Iraqis”


We Serve You Propaganda
With Our Illegal Surveillance

Posted on January 28, 2006 in Privacy Propaganda War

I bet they’re trying to find peace activists

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